Personalized Shopping Service

A seamless shopping platform that enhances the retail shopping experience with personalized mobile, web, and beacon technology


Olio is a platform concept we developed at Accenture’s R&D office. It takes a new approach to connecting the physical retail shopping experience with its mobile and web counterparts.

Beyond delivering concepts and pixel-perfect mockups, I developed an iPhone application that utilized Apple’s iBeacon technology to connect with in-store beacons. In addition, I prototyped an augmented reality experience that triggered targeted information when specific images were scanned by a user.

The Problem

Retail innovation has been lacking over the past several years. Retailers have been slow to adapt to the rapid advancement in sophisticated mobile technology. The Olio platform is a proof of concept aimed to create a shopping ecosystem that takes a person’s shopping history and interests to provide a personalized end-to-end shopping experience.

Early Designs

I started the process with a web wireframe design for a fictitious company. The design was inspired by current examples of successful retail store websites with a Pinterest-like feel. The mobile app started off as a series of sketches before creating design assets in Illustrator and ultimately development in Apple’s Xcode software.

Designing for New Technology

I implemented an augmented reality design into my mobile app. When the camera was pointed at a specific item, a personalized overlay would appear on-screen.

As the project matured, I learned to utilize Apple’s iBeacon API, a set of tools designed to enable a mobile app to react to indoor location beacons. A user can now, for example, approach a section with steaks and receive an instant recommendation for a good wine pairing. An example of these features can be seen in the images below.

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Project Details

A seamless shopping platform that enhances the retail shopping experience with personalized mobile, web, and beacon technology

  • iPhone Development
  • Pixel Perfect Mockups
  • Visual design
  • Wireframes